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P1320 2001 Nissan Pathfinder by John Rogers

John Rogers explains how he used his low amp probe to help him with a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder with 141,893 miles.  It is due for state inspection and has a P1320 code for primary ignition, a very common code on Nissan vehicles with COP (coil on plug) ignition. 

Are money-saving aftermarket parts to blame?

For this job, John used his MODIS and low amp probe and some homemade jumpers.

Read the original article...

The low amp probe used by John is availble from AESwave, we call it the Generic Low Amp Probe, It connects directly into the MODIS, VERUS and VantagePRO.

John Rogers is a mobile tech in the Medford, NY area and writes about his work and does training for local groups.