Beta is Back! BAR OIS one step closer
UPDATE: The IMclean is certified by the BAR and OIS accounts are being activated.
The sooner you purchase and register your IMclean the sooner you can begin to use the DAD.
Shipping now!
The IMclean DAD can be purchased as a turnkey package or standalone, with or without Bluetooth.
Leasing available!
The BAR has restarted OIS Beta testing for the third time. It first ran for a few weeks in Dec 2013, then again in Feb 2014 for a few weeks. The third start began on May 22nd. During these breaks the BAR made revisions to the OIS software, and we assume, let the DAD vendors tweak their software for these changes.
Have any DADs been certified?
No DADs have been certified as of May 2014, we expect the IMclean to be certified in mid-June.
When will OIS be mandatory?
Rather than announce a date the BAR now states, "Once most stations have a working OIS system with a certified DAD, BAR will establish a statewide “Mandatory” OIS use date.” This probably means no sooner than Fall 2014.
When can I start using my DAD?
Even though the "Mandatory" start date is in flux you can begin to use your DAD to run the new simpler, quicker test after you meet these criteria:
- You have a certified DAD.
- You have registered your DAD with the DAD manufacturer.
- The DAD manufacturer has submitted your registration to the BAR.
- The BAR has activated your OIS account.
The first to register will be the first to get activated by the BAR!
The information presented here is from the BAG meeting of April 16, 2014. Below are two annotated slides the BAR used at that presentation.
This image was created using the AnnoWave.
The IMclean DAD can be purchased as a turnkey package or standalone, with or without Bluetooth.
Leasing available!